300 Fantastic Space Facts!
In space, no one can here you scream. Because space is silent. This is a fact.
300 Fantastic Facts!: Space
I’m thrilled to announce that my next book, 300 Fantastic Facts!: Space is now available for preorder!
I’ve been tracking this project across my newsletter as The Space Case, and now the book has officially entered pre-launch. (Does that count as a thematic space shuttle joke?)
This middle grade book, for young readers 8-12 years, comes from a partnership between Time Magazine and book publisher Penguin Random House. The “TIME for Kids” book series is relaunching to cover a whole host of fun and exciting topics for youngsters including journalism, great athletes, sea creatures, space, and more!
What’s this book about?
OUTER SPACE, clearly!
Here’s the official synopsis from PRH:
Learn 300 fun facts about outer space, astronauts, planets, stars, moons, and more in this out-of-this-world book for young readers!
This book is packed with exciting information about space! Learn 300 fascinating facts about planets, astronauts, stars, the sun, moons, space exploration, black holes, asteroids, rockets, rovers, and more in this awesome book for space lovers and armchair astronauts of all ages.
Who did you scam to make this happen?
I know, right? Great question!
After wrapping up work on Where Is Tornado Alley?, another nonfiction editor at Penguin appeared in my inbox and... well, she asked me to write it. She had helped to usher the Tornado Alley manuscript through the process and thought Space Facts would be fun book to do together. She was right.
As someone who is fascinated by outer space, I really enjoyed digging deep and uncovering facts that were new to me about this crazy cloud of gas and ice and dirt particles we call the universe. I’d love to share with you my new favorite space fact I learned while researching for this title, but it would spoil the entire book for you!
However! There was a kicker with this project. A deadline. A very tight one. It was great to step in to help keep all the publishing wheels turning, and I greatly appreciate the opportunity.
This title is gonna have some awesome photographs inside, and I can’t wait to read it to my daughter. Not because I want her to learn anything, but because I crave her validation that I made something cool.
If you know a curious kid, consider preordering them a copy. It hits bookstores April 15, 2025.
Yes! Congrats on this! Love it!